Saturday, April 16, 2016

Plushie Store!

Hey guys, it's teddybear5678!  I lost my membership and had to switch to a different account temporarily.  My new account is called Plushiestore10.  Need a plushie for a video or do you just simply need a plushie?  Contact me and I'll supply you with your needs!  This account isn't a member, so you'll have to wait until I'm online to trade.  Here's the ad:
My username is NOT Plushiestore101, it is Plushiestore10.

I don't see every kind of plushie in your shop.  Where are they?
Since Animal Jam only allows a certain amount of placed den items, I can't place all my plushies in my den.  Sorry!
Can you gift me plushies?
I'm sorry, this account does not have a membership subscription. No, I cannot gift you.  I can only trade.
What times are you usually on?
I'm usually on 3-5 MT (Mountain Time), but sometimes I'll be on at seven or even six.

That's all for now, see ya later!

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